Testing and Certification are an integral part of the FUGU learning experience. Many FUGU courses feature a skills and knowledge assessment upon completion of the course material. These interactive tests offer the student an opportunity to demonstrate their mastery and understanding of the course. Passing a course test results in tangible benefits such as continuing education credits, rank advancement, certification, and other rewards. Parent organizations utilize the test results as a permanent record, to improve instructor/evaluator consistency, and to improve the effectiveness of their programs.
Types of Tests
There are three types of tests that can accompany a FUGU course: Dynamically Graded Standard Tests, Video Based Tests, and Hybrid Tests.
Dynamically Graded Standard Tests
Dynamically Graded Standard Tests consist of written and multiple choice questions about the course material. They offer an in-depth assessment of a student's understanding of the topic covered. These tests are dynamically scored and pass/fail graded based on variable parameters set by the Course Administrator. The tests can be optional or mandatory and can require a set level of content completion before becoming accessible. These tests require no live grading and Administrators have full access to reports and results. Dynamically Graded Standard Tests are an excellent tool to confirm a student's completion and competency in the material covered. Upon passing the test the student can receive an automated certificate or other reward.
Video Based Tests

Video Based Tests allow students to upload videos to demonstrate their competency in the course skills. The requirements, number of videos to upload, and level of detail necessary vary by course and Instructor. The tests also incorporate question sections to gather additional information on the student, their background, experience and level of topic knowledge. The Student uploads self-shot videos of themselves performing the techniques they learned from the course based on very specific test parameters. The tests are auto-assigned to remote evaluators who are notified that a new test is in their online queue. The Evaluator reviews each video and scores each parameter element based on a deduction or pass/fail system. The test can be marked as complete at that stage or passed to the Course Administrator level for final approval. Video Based Testing offers the parent organization the ability to quantify the student's mastery of the topic and how well they can put the techniques into practice. As with Standard Tests, the student can be auto-promoted based on a passing grade.
Hybrid Tests
Hybrid Tests have both an online and a live, in-person component. In this scenario the student must pass the online portion before continuing on to the live session. The online test demonstrates the base level of competency required to participate in the live skill assessment. The online segment can be a Dynamically Graded Standard Test, a Video Based Test, or a combination of the two. The live portion of the exam is generally held at a parent organization facility. Hybrid tests are often used in Instructor Training where a demonstration of person-to-person communication and multi-person skill review is important.
Whether a student or an organization, the FUGU platform has the perfect solution for your testing & certification requirements.
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